Cricketer Virat Kohli, who had earlier revealed that he has turned vegetarian (and vegan), in a latest Instagram chat revealed he has eggs in his weight loss plan. Virat Kohli weight loss plan Kohli, who’s at present quarantined in a lodge in Mumbai with crew India, held an ‘AMA’ (ask me something) session on Instagram. One fan requested him about his weight loss plan. In that, he revealed he eats plenty of greens, some eggs, 2 cups of espresso, daal, quinoa, spinach and dosas, however all in managed amount. In October 2019, Kohli had revealed that he has turned vegetarian and by no means felt higher as an athlete. Noticed recreation changers on Netflix. Being a vegetarian athlete has made me realise what I’ve believed all these years concerning weight loss plan was a fantasy. What an incredible documentary and sure I’ve by no means felt higher in my life after I turned vegetarian. — Virat Kohli (@imVkohli) October 23, 2019 He had actually turned vegan in 2018 the place h...